Refusal of a planning application does not mean that permission is unachievable and many council decisions to refuse are ultimately overturned by the Planning Appeals Commission.
A well-considered appeal statement and professional representation at the appeal hearing will significantly increase your chances of success.
We have extensive experience in pursuing planning appeals for clients who have been refused planning permission, who wish to avail of the non-determination appeal process or have been issued with an Enforcement Notice. If you require representation at a planning appeal you can contact us today for a no-obligation fee quotation.
Our Services
Appeals against the refusal of a planning application
All applicants for planning permission have the right to appeal against a decision of the Council to refuse their application. We represent developers, business owners and individuals at planning appeals across all sectors, ranging from appeals in respect of major housing schemes to renewable energy, as well as appeals against Lawful Development Certificates and enforcement appeals.
As chartered members of the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) we also have direct professional access to legal representation via the Bar of Northern Ireland and can engage and brief Counsel on your behalf.
Our services include:
- Submission of a planning appeal and the preparation of the written evidence.
- Representation at the planning appeal hearing.
- The making of a cost claim against the Council.
Appeals against the non-determination of a planning application
In cases were applicants might wish the Planning Appeals Commission to determine their application in advance of any Council decision, a non-determination appeal can be lodged after the application has been in the system for two months, although time limits do apply.
Once lodged, the appeal will proceed and a decision made within timeframes set by the Commission. For more information regarding the benefits of the non-determination appeal process please contact us here.
Appeals against Enforcement Notices
We have extensive experience in representing clients in Enforcement Notice cases throughout Northern Ireland, dealing both with the Council and the Planning Appeals Commission as necessary.
It is often very important to understand the implications of an Enforcement Notice being served and in particular the necessity to take action before the notice takes effect. It is therefore necessary that you receive the right advice and speak with a planning consultant at the earliest possible opportunity.
If you require any advice or representation relating to planning enforcement please contact us by telephone or by using our online enquiry form.